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"Every middle school girl in the nation should be privy to Trish Ottaviano’s Sister Soldier Assembly.  Growing up in the age of technology amidst a barrage of social media, unprecedented facility of communication, and information overload, Trish speaks to the importance of relationships, the power of words, and the lasting effects of our behaviors.  Trish passionately and eloquently delivers her message about self-love, non-conformity, relationships and kindness.  Trish’s presentation is high in emotional intensity, and sends a profound message about character, friendship, positivity, and standing up for what is right."

-Deer Path Middle School, Deer Path, IL   

Also view feedback from the girls here!


“ ‘Sister Soldier’ was a pleasure on many levels. Ms. Ottaviano was very easy to work with and arrived on time, prepared, and beaming with enthusiasm – all at 7:30 in the morning! Ms. Ottaviano connected to my middle school girls on a deep, emotional level. Not only did they get the point of the assembly, but it even inspired them to share things about themselves that they typically would only say in private. Many of the girls were even moved to tears! It was a cathartic experience for all involved – teachers included – and I hope to have Ms. Ottaviano back at my school again very soon!”

-Pierson Middle School, Sag Harbor, NY

"The presentation was wonderful! Trish did a great job of highlighting many of the main issues of “girl drama” in a way that was relatable to our middle school girls. The girls hung on her every word. Then, she shared her personal story – and that was really touching. It gave our girls a chance to see that girl drama happens to “the best of us” and that they are not alone. The greatest moment in the presentation is when Trish allows the girls to speak out by sharing apologies and compliments with each other… they wanted to do that all day long. I witnessed girls hugging and crying as they let go of old issues and prepared to move forward with kindness." 

-South Charlotte Middle School, Charlotte, NC

"Trish was amazing! The program is informative, and, as a speaker, she absolutely connected with and reached our 8th grade girls. She provided them with opportunities and moments they will not forget for a long time. The program is memorable and inspires change in adolescent girls and the way they treat each other."

-The Lovett School, Atlanta, GA

"Lake Travis Middle School loved the Sister Soldier Presentation! This was so impactful for our 7th and 8th grade girls! It helped them to see how they can stand up for one another using kindness and compassion! We are planning to bring Trish back for our 6th graders as well!" 

-Assistant Principal at Lake Travis Middle School, Austin, TX

"I highly recommend Sister Soldier. We were so fortunate to have Trish speak to our high school girls. The girls learned so much and were able to relate to the presentation. Many of our girls pledged to treat each other more kindly and engage with girls with whom they may not have talked to prior to the program. Trish has a gift for relating to teenage girls!"

-St. Andrew's School, Barrington, RI

"The girls REALLY appreciated the presentation.  I could tell that they related to Trish and her struggles and that they could put themselves in her shoes.  I saw many girls become emotional during the presentation because what was shared touched them deeply."

-Hudson Bend Middle School, Austin, TX

"We thought the presentation was wonderful because of its relevance. We witnessed students complementing each other and taking the topics to heart. Some students were even seen and over heard making amends and rekindling friendships. Overall, it was a great presentation with a relatable message."

-Wilbur Wright Middle School, Munster, IN 

"Sister Soldier visited our school this week and presented to the 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls. Trisha had a very powerful message about how girls should treat each other and why that doesn’t always happen. These girls took her message to heart. It was wonderful to hear their comments about the assembly presentation and how they plan to respect and support their friends. I wish Trisha could visit all middle schools and high schools across the U.S. to share her words of wisdom and her experiences; school would be a better place for teenage girls."

-North Hampton School, North Hampton, NH 7th grade teacher

"I highly recommend Trish's book and program for middle school and high school girls. This is important information from someone the girls will listen to; a young lady who has lived through some girl drama. This normally very talkative group of girls LISTENED! You could have heard a pin drop in the room."

-Bethany School, Cincinnati, OH


“The Sister Soldier Assembly program was a truly wonderful experience for our female students. Trish Ottaviano is relatable. She draws from her own life experiences to shed light on the severity of the situation and why it must stop. We absolutely will invite Sister Soldier to return to our school and we recommend other schools invite Sister Soldier to speak as well!”

-East Stroudsburg High School, Pocono Mountains, PA


"Trish Ottaviano is a joy to work with and her presentation is engaging, informative and powerful. Based on post survey results, our students (sophomore girls) appreciated her openness and understanding of the lives of teen girls. Trish gave some positive insights into ways to manage relationships and challenged our students to lift one another up. We definitely recommend Trish and the Sister Soldier program!"

-Sacred Heart Academy, Louisville, KY 

"The Sister Soldier Assembly Program was presented to our 7th & 8th grade girls. The girls were very moved by Trish's own personal story and the apology cards brought tears and hugs in our gym and school. I would recommend this assembly program to any school looking for an anti-bullying speaker than teens can relate to. Thanks Trish!"

-Bumpus Middle School, Hoover, AL

"We saw immediate results from the impact that the presentation had on our students. Several conflicts were resolved that day or later that week because of the program." 

-Ben Port Yosef, Paramus, NJ

Also view feedback from the girls here!

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